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Sermon Short Notes
April 19th 2020
Woe … Cease … Stop … Desist … Forbear
These woes are referring to the 5th, 6th, & 7th angel trumpet plagues
Rev 8:13
The 7th angel trumpet is the second coming of Christ
Rev 11:15
God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself
2 Cor 5:19a
The locusts [v3], coming out of the bottomless pit, were demonic
Rev 9:1-12
The dumping ground for demons that Jesus cast out
Lk 8:26-31 ... Mk 16:17
The bottomless pit … a place where demons go to and come from
Rev 20:1-3
Locusts, that looked like scorpions were only permitted to torment
Rev 9:4
There are those unbelieving who would rather die than be believe
Rev 9:6
Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me
though he may die,
he shall live
Jn 11:25:26
These locusts have a king
Rev 9:11
Ordinary locusts don’t have a king
Prov 30:27
The 5th angel sounded, a fallen star from heaven, with the key to the
bottomless pit
Rev 9:1
A little more information about his fall and his activity since his
Is 14:12 ...
Jesus spoke to the Pharisees … first identifying their wanting to kill
Jn 8:40
The devil was a murderer from the beginning
Jn 8:44
One Woe is past and two more are coming
Rev 9:12-15
The river Euphrates is one of four rivers that had as its source the
Garden of Eden
Gen 2:10-14
For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image
of His Son
For He foreknew, … {who would choose not to serve Him} …
And He also did not predestine them to be conformed to the image of His Son
Rom 8:29